Red Ti Plant Care Tips (Hawaiian Ti Plant)

Red Ti Plant Care Tips (Hawaiian Ti Plant)

The Red Ti Plant (Cordyline fruticosa) is the perfect plant to help add some tropical flavor to your garden or outdoor space. These plants are easy to grow and bring good luck, making them a great gift too! These plants go by many names, so you may have heard about...
White Fountain Grass Care Tips and Plant History

White Fountain Grass Care Tips and Plant History

Have you ever noticed how a well-trimmed bush of White Fountain Grass looks like a fluffy plant porcupine? While fountain grass comes in many different colors, like the Red Fountain Grass variety we covered last week, we want to take a closer look at the white variety...
Red Fountain Grass Care Tips and History

Red Fountain Grass Care Tips and History

While Red Fountain Grass may not be the most breathtaking plant in your yard, it certainly won’t be the least! Normally when we hear the term “grass” we think of the short thin green leaves that cover our yard. But grass comes in many different varieties and can be...
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