When it comes to Florida lawn care, a few plants reign supreme, one of these is the orange bird of paradise. With its bright orange flowers and lush green leaves, this plant is sure to make your yard stand out. We will discuss everything you need to know about growing orange birds of paradise plants in your garden. We’ll cover care tips, cost, companion plants, and more!
Unique Details of the White and Orange Bird of Paradise

The white and orange bird of paradise plant is a unique specimen with distinctive features that make it stand out from other tropical plants. For one thing, it has striking white flowers that bloom along the length of each stem, creating a cascading effect that gives the plant its name. What’s more, the flowers are surrounded by bright orange sepals that add vibrancy to the plant’s overall appearance. This combination of colors and tall flower stalks makes the bird of paradise particularly eye-catching, drawing in curious
gardeners who want to see this beautiful flowering plant up close.
Perhaps most importantly, however, the paradise’s white and orange bird embodies slow growth in its long stems and large leaves, making it an ideal choice for those looking for a statement specimen in their garden. Overall, this unique tropical plant exemplifies nature at its finest with its dazzling colors and slow-growing beauty.
When Should I Plant Orange Bird of Paradise Plants?

There is no definitive answer to the question of when to plant an orange bird of paradise. Different growers might recommend different times depending on climate, weather conditions, and soil quality.
Most experts agree that spring and fall are generally the best times to plant this beautiful flowering shrub. During these seasons, the temperature and moisture levels are ideal for encouraging healthy growth and helping the plant establish a strong root system. They can be grown as drought-tolerant accent outdoors in the summer, and the flowers can be cut to decorate your home.
Early spring typically coincides with the start of new growth. At the same time, autumn brings cooler temperatures and slower evaporation rates, making it an excellent time for nurturing young plants or helping existing ones thrive during their peak growing period.
So whether you’re a first-time gardener or an experienced horticulturalists, there’s no wrong time to plant an orange bird of paradise!
How Tall Do Orange Bird of Paradise Plants Get?

The orange bird of paradise is a distinctive, tropical plant native to Southern Africa. This impressive flowering shrub features long, arching leaves and bright orange blossoms that are said to resemble a tropical bird’s head peering over the foliage. They can grow to be anywhere from 3-5 feet tall and 3-5 feet wide. In addition to its striking appearance and tall stature, the orange bird of paradise is prized for its resilience, withstanding drought and poor soil conditions with ease. They can grow at least one leaf per month on average.
This unique plant remains relatively unknown despite its impressive stature and versatility compared to popular garden staples such as roses or tulips. Nevertheless, anyone looking for a lush yet low-maintenance garden addition would do well to consider the stark beauty and towering height of the orange bird of paradise.
What Are Good Companion Plants for My Bird of Paradise?

If you’re looking to add a splash of color to your garden, an orange bird of paradise plant can be a great choice. This vibrant, showy plant has beautiful leaves that exude a tropical vibe and attract plenty of attention. For this plant to thrive, it’s essential to choose some good companion plants that will provide additional support and nutrients and help keep the soil and surrounding area in good condition.
Some good options for companion plants include tall
grasses, like fescue or switchgrass, and low-growing succulents like dainty air plants or jade plants. You may want to consider adding some brightly colored flowers, such as a crane flower, sunflowers, or roses, which can complement the vivid orange of your orange bird of paradise and draw even more attention to this stunning specimen. With suitable companions, an orange bird of paradise is sure to thrive and bring vibrancy and beauty into your garden all year round.
Care Tips for an Orange Bird of Paradise Plant
Orange Birds of Paradise are easy to care for and are low-maintenance plants that can thrive in various conditions. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your Orange Bird of Paradise:
- The first step is to choose the right location. Orange Birds of Paradise partial shade. If you live in a particularly hot climate, you may want to provide some afternoon light shade to prevent the leaves from scorching.
- Water your plant regularly, but be sure not to overdo it—these plants like their soil to be moist but not soggy. Allow the top inch or two of soil to dry out before watering again to prevent root rot.
- Fertilize Orange Bird of Paradise every month with a general-purpose or liquid fertilizer. Be sure to follow the directions on the packaging, as too much fertilizer can damage the roots.
- Consider trimming it every season to keep its chic modern style.
By following these simple tips, you can enjoy the beauty of an Orange Bird of Paradise for years to come.
Orange Bird of Paradise Plants for Sale
Take advantage of the early summer and get your garden ready for the season. Its vibrant colors and chic modern style add a great accent to any outdoor decor and can brighten up a dull outdoor space.
Visit our nursery at Troy Tropics and turn your backyard into an outdoor oasis. Our team of greenery experts can help you decide on the best plants for your home.
Contact us through our online form or call us directly at
(941) 923-3756.