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There are a number of positive reasons to creative a native Florida plant garden. You have countless beautiful plants from which to choose. With so many attractive native plants, you get a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes to design your garden. You will find many Florida plants at Troy’s Tropics, a leading native plant nursery in Sarasota, located on five acres of land. Native plans are easy to maintain because they quickly adapt to Florida soil and often need less fertilization. Many of them are also excellent at tolerating drought.
After your initial design and planting you can enjoy a native plant garden for years to come. They attract butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects. They can also serve as good sources of wildlife food. You can find native plants in the form of shrubs, trees, vines, and groundcovers when you are ready to plan your native garden. Just a small number of the most popular Florida native plants, not including trees, include the following:

  • Yarrow
  • Leather Fern
  • Milkweed
  • Buttonwood
  • Heliotrope
  • Lupine
  • Royal Palm
  • Swamp Rose
  • Coneflower
  • Goldenrod
  • Sea Oats

Visit to find out about the natives they have that best suit the conditions in your landscape. Call (941) 923-3756 to find out more about our nursery and landscaping services.